Saturday, April 27, 2013

Analysis III:  Heroes and The Cult of the Celebrity

According to 2013, “A hero is a man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities, and a celebrity is a famous or well-known person.”  Yes, a hero is different from a celebrity, as a hero is known for being heroic and a celebrity is known for being famous. However, some heroes can become celebrities and some celebrities can be heroic but in general the two are completely different. (Deyoung, K. 2011).  According to Browne, P. & Browne, R.B. 2005, “Heroes and heroines come in many faces and guises.  Just as every impulse and challenge needs its heroes, so every field of endeavor must have some leaders.  We have heroes and heroines of families, small groups, cults and children, in politics, finance, sports of every description, and religions, among environmentalists, gardeners, hairdressers, and fashion designers, and so on.  Even amount outlaws, murders, and terrorists, perhaps especially amount those fringe groups”.  Yes, a hero is different from a celebrity, as a hero is known for being heroic and a celebrity is known for being famous. However, some heroes can become celebrities and some celebrities can be heroic but in general the two are completely different.  The cult of a celebrity is when people look to celebrities and mistake them for heroes because of their fame and fortune.  (Browne, P. & Browne, R.B. 2005).
Horror films display both positive and negative heroes.  In many, horror films the catholic priest are looked to as a hero when help is needed in demonic situations. The priest is able to cast out demons and evil spirits returning the home back to normal.  The priest shows bravery, determination, courage and dedication to resolving the problem. This type of hero is displayed in such films as the Exorcist, The Omen, The Exorcist of Emily Rose, The Rite, and The Amityville Horror.  A negative hero would be a leader of cults, vampires, werewolves, and murderers.  These heroes possess the same attributes that a hero portrays but uses them for evil purposes.  This type of hero is displayed in horror films such as:  Sinister, Twilight, Chainsaw Massacre, and Saw.
            The insights gained from applying heroes and the cult of the celebrity theories are that heroes, either good or bad, are all around us, and that celebrities are not heroes.  When watching horror films both positive and negative heroes are thrilling to watch.

Browne, P. & Browne, R.B. (2005). Profiles of popular culture. Madison, WI.

Deyoung, K. (2011, October 12). Heroes and celebrities. TGC the gospel coalition. Retrieved April 22, 2013 from (2013). Retrieved April 22, 2013 from

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